Decisions, decisions.

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I’m not sure yet but………..

*deep breath*


Which is pretty weird , cz after over two years in the band, I just started to feel like I was actually IN one. I never really saw myself as a singer, or a pianist/keyboardist -I sure as hell didn’t look the part, and quite often I’d be so awed by other musicians I met that it wouldn’t even occur to me that I was one. But Over the past few months,  I played with a few new musicians, and was blown away by their raw talent. Thoroughly inspired, I realized it was to take my music to the next level – to learn; to practice; to become better at what I do. I even stopped smoking as much as I used to because I suddenly remembered how good it felt to sing. Being in the band didn’t seem so monotonous anymore, and that was awesome.

So why then, am I plagued with the need to quit the band? Why now, when I’m loving it the most? I can’t describe the feeling really. I know I joined the band as an additional source of income, but the lifestyle has screwed me over quite a bit, and I feel, weirdly, that I need to stop now.  Like I should quit before I waste my life away, so that something better can come my way, though I’m not quite sure what.

I think I’m at a turning point in life – where career and life decisions need to be made, and I think this may be one of those things. It might not be the most practical thing to do, but life isn’t always practical. I’ve still got about a week to think it over. I just can’t believe I’m letting go of one of the few things that give me pure pleasure, no strings attached.

I’m just hoping this works out for the best.



10 responses

  1. lady divine

    everything happens for a reason…..

    take time to think it over.. if it’s really what you feel you should do, then do it…

    and last but not least, all the best! 🙂

  2. Right Beat Radio

    Hang in there. You have it inside you. Sometimes the love for music, the time consuming nature of it, the hard work and just the experience can leave you exhausted. It’s one of those things that sometimes you have to just stop doing and come back to it later. To me, making music is supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun, then you gotta step back and breath for a while. Return when you’re ready. The only difference is, hip hop beat-making and being in an actual band are very different. I can see it being hard for you to just drop it and come back later as you’re dealing with other people. I don’t know, but nothing better than to have some sanity and understanding in life. Take care and good luck! At lease you’re thinking about your future in a practical sense.

  3. cj

    Follow your gut instinct BB it never fails you.

  4. crystal

    good luck with whatever decision you make girl.. ahh tough making decisions!

  5. Azrael

    All the best, whatever you do 🙂

  6. Angel

    I’m with CJ, go with your gut feeling…

  7. bubblebutt

    Thank you all!
    I think gut feeling is the way to go right now. Plus i have a strange feeling that even if I do quit I’ll find y way back to it. The thing with music is you can never fully let go 🙂

    @ Right Beat Radio? Your work’s pretty awesome! I’ll be watching you 🙂 thanks for the advice.

  8. Gehan

    What exactly do you mean by ‘the lifestyle’? Just curious.

    1. bubblebutt

      Referring to choices that I made, people that I met while on the job and as a result of it. In a nutshell.

  9. Hooty

    Good luck with whatever choice you make sweety.

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