The abduction of Mr. Christopher Fernando


Christopher Fernando, the Kotahena thug, has been abducted. I don’t know how many of you have heard about him before this.

Few years ago a friend of mine had a major confrontation with a short, young drug-addict called Rakaa or something, which ended up in a rather brutal fight. Our friend got beaten, pretty badly too. We went to the police but they couldn’t find the guy. He was from Vanathamulla and those fuckers don’t betray each other.

But we investigated on our own. We went to the area where we suspected the kudda lived. We grabbed a ten year old boy and threatened to beat him to death if he didn’t tell us where Rakaa was. The kid of course told everything.

I wasn’t involved in this after that so the rest is what I later learnt from them. They waited. They were joined by two policemen in civilian clothes who were friends with some of them. One day they cornered the guy, and beat the shit out of him before they took him to the police. The police locked up not just him, but his older brother as well. Their crime was beating a man, and stealing 21,000 rupees. That 21,000 thing was entirely made up.

It’s fucked up, but it’s actually how the justice system works in Sri Lanka. There’s no doubt what the police did was wrong. But I don’t know how else could they control the drug-addicts and thieves and shit in places like Vanathamulla and Dematagoda.

I’m not saying abducting underworld fucks is right. It’s just that it’s not entirely wrong.

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