Spreading ICT Knowledge Beyond Colombo..

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Summary: ICT (Information and Communications Technology ) has become one of the most important and fast growing knowledge sectors in the modern world. Sri Lanka is experiencing the same vibe with a lot of young enthusiasts joining the bandwagon to share , teach , learn and develop the ICT knowledge among their peers. Somehow though, it can be seen these ventures are limited to the capital .This post discuss why it is high time to take action in spreading these en devours to other cities too.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has become one of the most prominent knowledge areas in the modern world. With the advert of social media platforms such as Facebook , Twitter , Google Plus as well as the interest for Smartphones and other tech gadgets and trends on the rise; the need and thirst for ICT knowledge is growing everyday.  This is not limited for just western countries, it is happening in Asia as well  and more importantly; in  Sri Lanka.

Communities such as Refresh Colombo , Social Media Club Colombo Chapter are spreading the knowledge of ICT to the Sri Lankan community  through their meet ups. Also , there are societies such as Pecha Kucha Colombo , which spread the word about creativity and other societies such as TypeInColombo and Occupy Colombo  which talks about different typing mistakes and the injustice around the country. I am happy at what all these communities do. But, i still feel these communities are a bit stuck in the capital itself and are not doing much to take its message and activities outside the Colombo, especially in ICT.

When I questioned about this issue, most communities told me that they are not limited to Colombo and are spreading the knowledge, the activities outside.  They also said the name Colombo in their names were just names it doesn’t mean that those communities work to educate the future generations of Colombo only.

That was really great news. I hope they would continue it .

Identifying hidden talents and giving them a chance..

There are kids in the rural areas that have great interest and thirst for knowledge in ICT.  Most of them though are limited with chances to express themselves. I have a cousin who lives in Galle who is a budding young programmer and already has its own website. The issue is though he and his buddies always have to come to Colombo to showcase their talents.   People like my cousin can afford it to some extent, but there are many who cannot.

Communities need to go to cities outside Colombo and organize ICT events, exhibitions and seminars so a majority of communities outside Colombo can attend and show off their talents.  I know for a fact that there are people who come to Refresh Colombo from cities such as Kandy and Galle; even though it is being held on a weekday evening.  It shows their burning thirst for knowledge.  Why can’t we organize such events on those cities straightaway?  Maybe during a weekend?

It could help those communities who come to Colombo to experience those events from their hometown. It could also give a chance to the ones in Colombo to meet up , discuss , engage and make friends with communities all around Sri Lanka.

I am not saying we are not doing anything at the moment. Organizations such as Sarvodaya Fusion and ICTA are doing a great job with their work and services in providing ICT education to communities around the country through forums, events and meet ups. ” Nanasara ” is an event organized by ICTA  to spread ICT knowledge to rural areas. It seems to be a super exercise and I sincerely hope they will continue to have it in the future.

With the end of the war era and peace being the one voice that dangles in heartbeat of every Sri Lankan, the time has arrived to give each of them an equal chance.  ICT can help to achieve that task and already it cane be seen that it is happening (even a kid in Jaffna knows what  ” Facebook ” is).

It is important to continue the above mentioned en devours and spread knowledge and community activity across the country. This is not limited to ICT but to various areas such as engineering, arts , sports etc.

It will definitely help to build a community who is not ignorant and create a trend where they have the chance to express themselves no matter where they are living. It is a trend we  “can create ” and when we do it, we can safely say that we are  ” One Sri Lanka “.

What do you think we can do to spread ICT knowledge beyond Colombo ? Do you think it is not limited and it is already spreading? Do share your Thoughts and Ideas in the Comments section.

Cheers !!

2 thoughts on “Spreading ICT Knowledge Beyond Colombo..

  1. Well Colombo kids are always one step ahead in technology than the other kids in Sri Lanka. Anyway nice article. even someone i know is also in it 😀


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