We come in peace – for now

Some of you might object to the idea of a couple of upstarts just walking into the local blogosphere and foisting our opinions on you.


Being opinionated seems to be part of the job, from what we can tell. And we wouldn’t want to disappoint you.

So expect to hear our views, whether you like them or not.

We’re going to be different to… um… all the other appropriately Sri Lankan themed overly opinionated blogs out there.

Great. And here we thought we were catering to a niche market. There goes our secret dreams of being local blogwhorescelebrities.

But we’ll be entertaining, we promise.

For instance, we promise not to make you read about what we had for breakfast.

Unless it was chocolate covered bacon. Or Kaludodol. (See what we did there?)

So, be prepared to have our opinion forced down your throat.


… or not.

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