Why a Muslim woman cannot be raped

In America it is every five minutes. In India it is every twenty minutes. And in the world as a whole it is every SINGLE minute. Every minute what?? Every minute somewhere in the globe a woman is being raped, her honour is being played with and her dignity is being lowered..But a Muslim woman cannot add to these figures and statistics.
Don’t get me wrong cause when I say ‘a Muslim woman’ I don’t mean every woman who holds a Muslim name and blindly follows what she thinks and assumes is Islam. I mean the one who knows what her religion is and follows it just the way it should be. And listed below are a few reasons why this woman cannot be raped..

• The veil
Everything that Islam says is with a purpose and following it is for ones own benefit. The veil is a garb that is prescribed for a woman to be worn over her normal clothing (whatever it maybe) WHEN she leaves her home and not inside too as popularly assumed. Just the way an overcoat is worn above rich clothing as protection from dust and all elements until the party or location is reached. But here it is the woman herself who is being protected..and from?? The evil eyes of men who may, attracted by her beauty, her figure and her clothing lust after her and use her for their cheap pleasure. The veil protects the Muslim woman, covered head to toe from such glances . Tell me, who in the world would give a moving shuttlecock a second glance? No one would, for her beauty is not for the world to see. It is just for a few selected eyes that are meant just for her and her alone..

• Bodyguards to protect her
President Obama, Hillary Clinton and anyone who has the possibility of being harmed due to their importance have bodyguards surrounding them every time they leave home. Does this mean that they are being oppressed or does it mean that they are important? It means that they are important. If this is so then how is it that the Islamic law which requires that every woman, who in the eyes of law is a VIP to be accompanied by her personal bodyguard, a close male relative every time she leaves her home is proclaimed to be oppressed? And how too can such a protected woman be raped??

• Trained bodyguards
In case you tell me that there have been cases where despite being accompanied by a male, women have been assaulted it certainly would have been where the man was unable to defend even himself. But know that in Islam it is extremely recommended and required that every single man be trained in martial arts. Better if the woman is too. But if she is not, no probs .She’s got trained bodyguards at her service!

• Not for everyone to meet
Everyone doesn’t get to meet the queen even when she is in the castle. Only certain selected people. Just so not everyone, in case they may harm her, can meet the queen and the foundation of a Muslim home where she resides minus her veil and maybe too with the temporary absence of her bodyguards. Thus again she is safe.

• That of her creator..
When a Muslim, be it male or female, follows the commands of their creator, not only does he or she get worldly respect and protection, they also get the love and the protection of their Almighty creator. And trust me, if you have this you don’t need yoga classes to attain peace of mind and nor do you need bullet proof care to protect you from rape.
 And these are a few reosons why a muslim woman cannot be raped..


  1. IS

    Utter bullshit. I am just gonna quote on Pakistan, where I have lived, which is a 99.9999% islamic country. And do you think there is no rape over there? Do u think the men don’t abuse women?

    Though there r many covered in shuttlecocks, all the guys try to do is strip them in their heads when they see a women Where is the protection to women there. The same protection force you mention are the ones abuse their women at home brutally. I know how much they get abused as I was working as a doctor and ultimately they come for medical attention. They are beaten, tortured and raped by their own husbands. There are more people than you imagine with cut noses, cut ears and cut lips, under those shuttle cocks you mention. Disfigured for the rest of their life. Obviously, how would u know, they r covered and protected by their bodyguards when they are outside.

    There is a huge number of women who get raped over there. Majority are not reported to the police. As the funny law (hudood ordinance) requires the women to find eye witness to support her rape (zina-bil-jabr). Where in the world would a women find eye witness for that.

    On top of that, the innocent rape victim is stoned to death instead of the rapist by people. How fair is that?

    Also in villages women are gang raped by the village sharia council members as a punishment. Then they get killed by the family as honour killing. What right do those sharia council members have to rape another persons wife, daughter, mother, in-front of their family. What a way of life and equality for women. Look up the story about Mukhtair mai ( http://geo.tv/4-21-2011/80605.htm) , and numerous other on wikipedia.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Pakistan#Sexual_violence).

    No muslim woman comes forward to say she was raped as they would be the ones to suffer even if they complain. So there are no proper statistics on rape in the muslim world, period.

  2. kandula

    But the number of Muslim women who sleep with men other their husbands are very much high than other communities. This may not happen in the Muslim countries where women’s movements are strictly barred. But this is rampant in the countries where there is some sort of freedom. The best case in point is Sri Lanka. I know quite a lot of Muslim women who sleep with other men whenever they get a chance.

  3. This is somewhat ridiculous.

    Many Muslim countries, especially in the Arab world, have seriously under-reported incidents of rape, especially where multiple male witnesses are required.

    Marital rape or rape by male relations is also still rape, and quite common.

  4. Youngling

    THIS is ridiculous (your post).
    the idea of a perfect human being is to not get aroused or react on that arousal at the sight of the opposite sex.especially when naked.
    Only animals jump on each other as a result of sexual desire. Humans are animals but spose to be more intelligent although we act like animals most of the time (rape, killing in the name of someone, thievery)

    1.Muslim women (from SL) who go to work in Saudi come home to sri lanka raped & abused what do u say about, as a Muslim woman?

    2.In saudi a woman (muslim full covered) was raped by a gang of men but they weren’t captured so she faced a public whipping. this was reported on CNN with the victim before the whipping.

    3. In Bangladesh a minor (below 18) was whipped to death because she had an affair with a married man. In the developed world it’s called Pedophilia or statutory rape and the man (since he is older) gets the punishment. The girl died while the man had to pay a fine. WHat beautiful law is your law eh?

    Your post is degrading to women and humanity coz according to what you say Men can act like animals (dogs lion horses etc.) while women need to cover themselves to not arouse men. haha.
    That’s pathetic, in a real society a man will never harm a woman despite her attire (scanty or full covered).

    An ultimate human being is a human being who doesn’t hurt another regardless of gender, race, sexuality etc.
    But According to u every man in the world rape a woman (Sometime in his life) because every she doesn’t wear a veil or cover herself up.

    PS – Persians were the ppl who bought the veil thing to cover their face from sand storms because they lived in DESERTS genius later it was imported to Arab culture and then to Islam. .

    PSS – Women are raped mercilessly in middle eastern countries but the world doesn’t get to know them because they are covered up by family & government.

    Don’t Insult your religion (Islam i’m guessing) by preaching bullshit. Every culture especially European used to cover their bodies because of the cold (women mainly). Ppl in exotic countries dont do that due to the heat which causes HEAT STROKES which results in death, genius!

    I’m guessing you might deject this comment since I counted your argument.

  5. You could lock a woman up in a room every day and she would not be raped either.

    Is’nt this what you are saying?

  6. Interesting article we should all never forget this

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