Monday, March 03, 2008


I never thought handling Death would be so easy. You are no longer here, You no longer touch me, you no longer take my hand in yours and reassure me that I'm the one you love in that incessant, pleading manner... No longer..... do I love you, No longer do I remember you..... No longer are you in my heart....

No longer do I know peace.... How I no longer want to feel this way, mother......

If this, is giving up...... then I'm giving up.......

In those flying silky white strands that caught to my heart, now strangle my being and I long to break free... in my childhood smells I suffocate, In your bed I lay restless, In your words I find no peace, in your image I see death, Is this how I must remember my mother?

Is it in your Half self? Is it in the spirit you lost, Is it as the person I once knew.... the person who really was my mother.......

If this, is giving up...... then I'm giving up.......

Here is my life Eva, Here is my life without you...... take it.... It has always been yours.


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