Sunday, December 5, 2010

Here Comes The Budget!

Arrrrgh, I just do not get along with money! Because I really like “neglecting” it! (spongebob stingypants I am!) When you are merely dreaming of your wedding it is just so easy to imagine this and that and this and that and when you actually get down to business, weddings are not all that roses and doves and angels! Pretty tough work, thankfully, enjoyable, atleast most of it! 

In my case, I like to work ON BUDGET. Thankfully even though Dimi is not as stingy as i am, he does not go with the concept of just spending whatever you have on just about anything nice you see, all he stresses on is that if you are doing something, do it properly to your abilities/resources but don't do it half way, for example, we need a videographer, and most of em are over 30k (approx 300 USD)! so we went for this wedding exhibition recently and found a guy doing it for 10k! at first we were like wow, lets get him, lets get him, but then Dimi said we should walk around see a bit more and then decide, we realized that for 10k the guy was not offering, how do you say, ummm, much quality? so we scrapped that, and found someone else(whom we are yet to book!) for over 10k ofcourse but less than 30k and does a nice enough(quality) job.

I believe that spending unnecessarily on a wedding is absurd! LOL. Meaning, whatever wedding planned should be one that can be afforded by you and your loved one, it is not wise to go over budget and just spend on this decor and that just because you can’t get any control on you! Because weddings are expensive! Even the cheapest things are pretty darn high! If you can afford to have one big grand wedding and that’s what you 2 want and dream of, no problemo, go ahead and don’t worry what anyone thinks, cuz if someone says something it’s pretty much because they are jealous they are not going to be getting one of those! (No offense, but that is pretty much the Lankan way at times)

All I am saying is that don’t worry about what others are having or have had, how something you like would look to someone else, if it doesn’t put you in debt and you love something, go ahead and have it, just make sure you are not compromising your future in anyway(financially)!

Just remember that wherever you get married, church, outdoor, beach, some grand 5 star hotel, normal hotel or even in a farm, you are getting married to the one you love, wedding details should be secondary, they would not matter, if you can’t afford something then do what you can, because at the end of the day, you have the main thing that matters, everything else like I said before, are just details. i mean who are we kidding really? we should know why we are having what we are having instead of having anything and everything JUST CUZ!

I also know that its not that easy for some couples to do whatever it is they want, because of parents requirements and influences etc, parents advice is crucial for your wedding, because after all they have been married way before we were born! hehe... BUT if they are imposing unfair burdens of having this and that, I think as a couple maybe try talking to them and if worse comes to worst, get a hold of your bizness I suppose :)

BUT PLEASE, no fights! I am sure after much talking and Discussions, if you are wisely planning out your wedding, even if your parents might not agree on not having this or that, they would eventually come to terms with the fact that it is your wedding after all. Thankfully in my case, am blessed with wonderful parents from both sides, they advice but don't push, so we have the liberty to be wise and decide! 

For those of you who believe that weddings should be special and beautiful and done meticulously, over and over again I say, if you have the money- do it! But if not do what you can! For me wedding details are just details, I don’t mind that much whether the guests will love the flower arrangement or not, all I want is to have a celebration for people in our lives, to share the beginning of a lifetime! And I want to go back and have a nice good loooong sleep! Simple as that.
So Top Tips;
1). Decide your budget ASAP – determine a rough amount based on what you two want
2). Negotiate, negotiate, and negotiate with your vendors
3). Stick to the darn budget! if you have to,  keep a margin to the initial budget and plan, but make sure not to go overboard along the way!

Few Links that might help when planning out your budget!

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