Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is a celebratory post

My inhibitions tell me to keep away from this blog. it is dark and full of secrets that you rather not dig up. Not in a too embarrassing and slightly sexually deviant way of course. But more along the lines of old pictures of you with your braces in suddenly falling out of your almirah when u have friends over kind of thing.

I haven't been here in ages and Google seems to have upped their game. The stats page is much friendlier, the interface is smoother and looks less like something out an eighties sci-fi flick. The blogging scene as a whole has somewhat died down, or is it just me? There doesn't seem to be the same level of give and take. The same robust link and comment economies that helped bloggers feed off of each other. I scratch your back you scratch mine, but i think a lot us have lost interest in back scratching? or is it that our backs don't itch any longer?

Hmmm, it is a philosophical puzzle. But recently i did venture into David Blacker's blog and London Lanka by chance and they seem to be going fine. I haven't really been reading a lot of blogs actually. Sorry i don't mean to offend. But most of the people i used to read have slowed down as well.

Enough gloomy talk. A part of me misses the old days. Where your narcissism had enough and more fuel to burn off in the blogosphere. But here i could go into lines of yawny prose about the purpose of writing, but who cares?

Who really cares? oh shit, looks like im on the verge of ending this on an emo note. Quick! think happy thoughts!


St.Fallen said...

you seem distracted.

Janith said...

hmmm. *goes on an archive hunt*

Yeah Blogger kinda waited till everyone switched to WP and started releasing new features. ;)

Gehan said...

[Scratches your back]

indeed, narcissm, wherefore art thou already? Or hast thy name changed to apathy? :D

TheWhacksteR said...

Fallen - hmmm, i guess so. But i didnt have anything to write about in mind when i scribbled the title :)

Chavie - yeah :) i like the new look, but the comments section doesn't seem to have improved much.

Gehan - Thanks:) that felt good lol. and deep phrase man, deep. i think it has somewhat