Friday, February 11, 2011

This is the blog of Achilles

We keep recording and we keep writing, are we recording for posterity? I mean, what did Achilles get out of that arrow in his heel? did he get to fornicate with the woman he lusted after? no.

Did he get to go back home and chill in his original Greek island and knock back a fine toddy? no.

Did he get to do all the other things on his 'list' like skydive, bungee jump and saw off the head of a roaring lion? i think not.

Achilles sacrificed his life for an idea of glory so that some beat up poet could 'immortalize' his name on paper. He wanted to be immortal, so he embraced death. Kind of ironic.

He was a sentimental nincompoop beneath all the warrior like gruffness. That whole 'you're a lion, take it, its yours' thing. I think the only guys who made any use of the legend of Achilles were the people who portrayed him in art. Homer, Brad Pitt take a bow.

A good story, but ultimately bad lesson. What good will a good story do to Achilles now? What good will this blog do to me if it gets famous after i'm dead? Its not like i could use the Google ad money then.


Jerry said...

Would you know of Achilles of he hadn't?

He merely valued that, the idea of himself living on forever, more than actual, regular life I guess.

Also, AWESOME. Where's the rest of the 'gang'? Get MyPrerogative, realskullzero and the unsilent, valentine's day is coming up again! :D

Janith said...

Everyone wants fame, whether you get it during or after life is immaterial.

Also: Did Achilles face death knowingly? My knowledge of that story is a bit patchy. :S

TheWhacksteR said...

Jerry - Yes i suppose someone had to set an example to prevent other fools following in his path :p That would be great! Lani's?

Chavie - Yeah, his mother (half goddess) tells him that he can either go home and live happy with his kids and the woman he loves, or die in battle and be immortalized. To be fair to the guy, he only choses the second option when hector kills his cousin..

Gehan said...

Aha! The classic 'blogistential crisis'. I wish you enlightenment!

But you have to admit, it's a lot more fun than dying for glory...

The Puppeteer said...

I don't know about you, but there are millions of bloggers who aren't concerned about gaining fame... It's more of an escape or a soapbox for those trying to create awareness about something they feel passionate about. Or just blogging... hoping that someone out there will read what they write... relate or share their thoughts... people just want to be heard. And maybe they'll feel a little less alone.

Angel said...

I don't think it's for love or glory... more of just having space that is totally entirely within your control.

And without Achiles, would we have achiles' tendinitis?

TheWhacksteR said...

@Gehan - you know, i have a feeling that Achilles may beg to differ, although i am definitely with you on that!

@thepuppeteer - yeah i suppose, but all the lonely people, where do they all come from? (tries to look intelligent). But yes i guess blogging can mean different things to different people

@Angel - Probably still have that acute pain on ur leg though:P a rose by any other name...

St.Fallen said...

yet a rose none the same.

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