I’m being followed

Centuries ago I set up a Twitter account linked to this blog. Through the wizardry of wordpress.com and twitter, a tweet is generated when ever I defecate a blog post. I don’t ever recall login to tweet outside this blog. Recently using borrowed time that I will never repay, I logged into my twitter account and got a bit of a surprise. Seems after less than a 100 tweets I had accumulated a minor following. One of them is even a mayor!

I feel quite humbled that anyone has bothered. Given how time pressed I am, twitter is starting to look like a easy outlet for a voices in my head and their infernal sentences. I’m tired out editing in the shower of pecking words into a phone while on the can.

The avalanche of higher priority things to do keeps on going so homes of twittering might just as well be snuffed out. But I haven’t given up just yet.

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