Embarassing bugs in open source C/C++ projects

Thameera's MicroBlog

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Thameera's MicroBlog

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Thameera's MicroBlog

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Thameera's MicroBlog

Action.io, django and poya days

Thameera's MicroBlog

Louie gives me hope

Thameera's MicroBlog

Typing.lk beta released

Thameera's MicroBlog

Action.io, django and poya days

Thameera's MicroBlog

Louie gives me hope

Thameera's MicroBlog

Typing.lk beta released

Thameera's MicroBlog

So much for housing NDT inside UoM

Thameera's MicroBlog

Spaced repetition like a boss

Thameera's MicroBlog


Thameera's MicroBlog

Diving into Haskell

Thameera's MicroBlog

Learn Haskell in a Day

Thameera's MicroBlog

Quantum particles are like boos

Thameera's MicroBlog

Few hours with App.net

Thameera's MicroBlog

Action.io, django and poya days

Thameera's MicroBlog

Louie gives me hope

Thameera's MicroBlog

Typing.lk beta released

Thameera's MicroBlog