A Thought for World Environment Day 2016…!!


Today, 5th of June is the World Environment Day 2016. I had a little field visit to the neighborhood land in the morning with my little ‘birding companion’ to feel the nature to celebrate the day. The land was full of grass that still holds silvery morning dew. As we walked in, grasshoppers that disturbed by our foot movements jumped out on different directions. Butterflies were seeing flying from one wild flower to another in search of nectar. A lonely lizard basking the rays of morning sun was watchful, but did not make a move by our presence. My little daughter was excited as many of these things in the nature were new to her. She had quickly find friendship with mimosa (නිදිකුම්බා) shrubs found plenty in the land. She started enjoying kicking mimosa shrubs one after another watching joyously how the leaves go to sleep by her touch. She also liked its flower and plucked few, showing me her priced collection.

‘Nature’ is indeed a wonderful thing, but we often ignore the beauty of its little things still survive around us. Hope my little daughter and all the kids in the world would get more chances to experience the joy of nature and they will not destroy nature, but protect it when they grow up. This is my World Environment Day wish..!!

2016 WED - showing the flower 2 2016, WED - plucking nidikumba flower 1 2016, WED - plucking nidikumba flower 3

2 Responses to “A Thought for World Environment Day 2016…!!”

  1. A Thought for World Environment Day 2016…!! | සතුටු වැස්ස බ්ලොග් කියවනය Says:

    […] A Thought for World Environment Day 2016…!! […]


  2. Prof Lalith j Says:

    Nature in Sri Lanka is still beautiful and innocent for a child to play. Yet how long can we see this beauty that is volunerable and inprotected. Mainly from greedy people and by shortsighted hungry politicians. Now It is time to protect one tree at a time, one animal at a time, inch by inch drop by drop. One person at a time.


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