Jayanthi becomes 1st Sri Lankan to conquer Everest


At just before 5:00am on the 21st of May 2016, Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala became the first Sri Lankan ever to reach the summit of Mt Everest (29,029ft). 

She is said to have departed from Camp 4 at around 9pm the previous evening and along with her Sherpa continued to the summit. She is now descending to a lower base camp.

Jayanthi took on the challenge with her climbing partner Johann Peiris, who is expected to attempt the final and most arduous leg of the expedition in the coming hours. The duo have been training and  acclimatizing  to  these  tough  conditions  for  the  past  two  months  on  Mt  Everest.

ThePapare.com congratulates Jayanthi on this magnificent achievement and wishes Johann all the best as he makes his way to the summit.