Saturday, April 25, 2015

Demonizing of Sinhalese Buddhists has taken a renewed vigor while propagating hatred towards Rajapakshas!

The White Christian West and its cohorts here make it a point to take every bit of advantage to attack Rajapakshas in these days. This has given them yet another chance to vilify Sinhalese Buddhists.  NGO funded journalists and media wasted no time to shout from roof-tops to attack people who thronged in large numbers to protest against summoning of Mr. Gotabhya Rajapaksha at the Bribery Commission the other day. Carrying National Flags sans colors denoting Muslims and Tamils by a few individuals among the crowed is trumpeted out of proportion claiming that those who gathered at the protest were rabid Sinhalese Buddhist racists. This vilification was such powerful that the former minister Dalus Alahaperuma and Provincial Councilor Udaya Gammanpila had to tender formal apologies.        

Unusually large crowds that throng whenever Rajapakshas go out seem to have become an eye sore to them. So unleashing of a barrage of vilification aimed at Rajapakshas at the drop of the hat has now become order of the day. Free flow of cash amounting to millions of dollars makes this viscous propaganda very efficient and effective. So the usual demonizing of Sinhalese Buddhists has taken a renewed vigor while propagating hatred towards Rajapakshas.

However, how the national flag is hardly hoisted and the national anthem is rarely sung at the functions in the North & East and the Plantation Sector never get publicized.

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