Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thoughts and rambling

Very much sleep deprived. The last few days have been eventful indeed.

The Darling is back! It's actually quite amazing how seeing somebody makes you realize how much you've really missed them. Once again, a big, warm hug is only just a phone call away :)

Being a bit of a loner anyway, I've appreciated the time alone. But being one of the very, very few people that I do not mind having around, his absence has been felt.

I've come to realize that I don't have a diplomatic bone in my body. Even if there was one, I couldn't care less honing it. I am blunt and quite straightforward in my dealings and I know some people find it hard to digest at times. I will never be politically correct and I am okay with that, if not happy. Life is too short to be caring about every Siripala, Mala and Sugathapala's feelings. Sugar coating just isn't my thing. I find it fake and offensive. When I say something, I usually mean it. And I appreciate the same quality in others as well.  It makes life so much more easier if we are all just brutally honest with each other.

I am a non-alcoholic. That is with the exception of that occasional glass of wine. I do not drink for the same reason I don't like to wear sunglasses. I want to see life, the world as it is. I want to be conscious every single minute of the day in order to experience life as it is. Life is too short to be wasting away in a drunken stupor. I know what it is like to get wasted, been there done that as one would say. But I've chosen consciousness over those fleeting moments of floating surreal sense-clouding. It's a conscious decision made by a mature self. And for all those who tell me to "live a little" when I say I don't drink, I would say, I am indeed living, a great deal at that. Besides, I can get high on fresh air, laughter and chocolate biscuits alone and therefore I do not feel the need to pollute and ruin my system with harsh distilleries. My body is, as cliched as it sounds, a temple. I respect it and treat it with care.

Plus, it's more fun watching the drunk people make complete fools of themselves when you are the only sober one in the room. Besides, who else will record their silly, drunken antics, philosophical albeit slurred verbal meanderings and threaten to upload them to youtube all their life?

I don't think I can ever be vegan. Or vegetarian for that matter. I love my food way too much to discriminate. Give up on milk, that gorgeous array of cheese, meat and poultry?  Not happening. Besides, I don't really see the point. I feel that this huge wave of veganism (is that what it's called?) is just a trend and I, by nature despise things, people and concepts that are not genuine. Maybe one fine day if and when I do see any sense of being vegan, I will perhaps, consider. But that one day seems far, faaaaaaaaaaar away at the moment.

If Facebook heroes solved problems, our world would be picture-perfect right now. I prefer people who take actual action, contribute in whatever little way that they can, instead of just prancing around and being keyboard activists by sharing pics of forlorn puppies, famished children or tortured animals. I find it all a little too sadistic (and not in a fun way). I like people who would spend at least a little of their earnings, time and effort for a cause that they believe in. After all, actions do speak much louder than words. Or FB posts for that matter. People who help those who need it the most here and now in whatever small way that they can are golden when compared to the mainstream junkies participating in numerous bucket challenges to support an unheard of cause in the other corner of the earth. Some indulge in blatant wastage of water purely for popularity increasing on social media while others are suffering acutely from the lack of water in the Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa areas. Such is the frivolity of people here.

For the record, I have even resorted to blocking the posts of such people from my Facebook newsfeed so that I would not have to boil blood every morning as I am forced to stare at half skinned animals and deformed children appearing on my homepage, quite unasked for. All I ask is if you are passionate about a cause, get off your butt and do something about it. If not, please don't bother reclining in your comfortable perch in front of the computer, sharing, posting disturbing images and pretentious crap on your social media profiles. It's degrading. Not to mention downright irritating.  

We are a lazy, bubblegum nation after all. We have a twisted sense of reality and precious little clue about priorities and that's what the problem is methinks.

On a happier note, Phantom of the Opera opens tonight! Got tickets for tomorrow night's show and I can hardly contain myself. Theater up to this point has been a solitary excursion, what with The Darling not sharing my interest in the craft. He has had a particular dislike for musicals. I did not mind of course, since I had always been used to attending these events alone. But it seems that after Jesus Christ Superstar last year, The Darling is a changed man. This year he shares my enthusiasm and had been more than willing to accompany me to see the Phantom. I dare say Jerome has achieved in two and half hours what I have been trying to achieve for the past four years or so! Well, I'm just glad that there is someone to give me CPR in case I had a cardiac arrest from the sheer awesomeness of the show.

I find planning dinners exciting, whether it be a small family dinner or a grand buffet for 30. Heading off to the kitchen quarters in a while and shooing everybody away after they have laid out everything for preparing dinner tonight. I cannot be bothered with the details like washing up and prepping ingredients and I prefer it if someone else does it for me. In a few hours, the kitchen will be my playground to create, experiment and to simply, indulge in the wonderful aromas wafting out of the very cauldrons I steer *thunder clap followed by evil sinister laughing*    

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