Thursday, August 22, 2013


Simple people with simple needs. Go to school, find some work, earn, find a boy/girl with promising prospects, get married in a wedding that you cannot afford, build a house, get a car, make kids, force them into the same dreary rat race, get into debt in doing so, go partying, etc, etc. How very ordinary. It depresses me.  

The more I associate people, the more I realize how very primal we all are.

The majority just survive because they are born. And to survive we need to eat and have a roof over our heads, and we need money to buy those bare essentials. Hence we earn. In order to earn, you need an education (as per popular belief) and hence, school. In the meantime, the market has created wants that have amplified and modified our needs and hence the need to earn more to satiate the more complex wants. And thus the circle continues. And thus, the ordinary ensues.   

I sometimes wonder, are they really happy? When they lie in bed at night reminiscing of the day's events, are they really satisfied? Or are they too tired to think at all?

So this is how the ordinary life goes. You wake up in the morning and while half asleep, you are automatically steered to put on whatever your hand grabs and make your way to work, out of habit and almost in a trance. You come home brain dead, a mere zombie, ready to gobble up some dinner and fall into bed, only to repeat the same proceedure the next day. Weekends are for creating the illusion that you do in fact, have a life. Time is spent "hanging out" with "friends" taking pictures for uploading on social media, smiley faces, food and drinks. Some take pride in drinking oneself to oblivion with whoever wherever, convinced that they are indeed, living "the life". Thus is the ordinary, albeit the empty life. 

But ordinary is what is accepted, ordinary is what is condoned. Anything out of the ordinary is shunned. Blasphemy, sacrilege!

And I also realize that sitting here writing about it doesn't help either. Everybody talks, everybody writes, publishes passionate statements on their respective social media profiles. But how many are indeed willing to act on their words? A very precious few. 

 I've come to realize that people just want something to occupy themselves with, something to live for. Sad part is that they choose to occupy themselves with their respective careers, making it their whole lives. Without this they feel that they are nothing, which is why a career is so important to a person, some even sacrificing their personal lives for that. Its tragic that people don't recognize this restlessness with the need to have a purpose in life, something worthwhile doing other than just piling up money and power.

But then again, money and power can be helpful when creating that worthwhile cause at which you can look back and smile. Aie, aie, aie! There's no getting out of this, is there, this morbid cycle of cause, purpose and life! 

I'm convinced that I don't want ordinary.

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