Friday, July 12, 2013

I should really grow up now...:(

Define growing up?.."to grow toward or arrive at full stature or physical or mental maturity"

May be..but what i think growing up is, when you come to your twenties...means more about the mental,social and intellectual growing since you stopped growing physically by 24 yrs max for girls and 26 max for guys...
Sad story is i actually still hope that one day i will wake up THINNER and at least 3 inches TALLER...

The horror for me is never loosing the baby Fat i have gained in the 3 years i have been in Georgia...Thanks to the endless supply of late night junk food consumed during the endless cramming sessions that take place almost weekly...exams why do you kill me sooo...

More about the intellectual social part...

Does finally accepting and adding my Age on to my FB profile make me more mature???

Does finally telling people i just met my real Age finally make me all grown up???

Or accepting the fact that the guy im in Love with will never be my life partner due to Age barriers...

Or telling my mum that i would never be happy with a proposed marriage to anyone other than the Guy im dating/in love with...

Finally pulling my strength up and calling it quits with the guy because we see no future after Dating for almost 4 years...

Accepting and facing my mortal fear of being a Doctor one day..with many peoples lives in my hand...

Or even accepting and facing my Fear of snakes...

Will facing and taking any type of action concerning these, any one of these make me more grown up than i was when i started typing this post???

I think soo...

Growing up is all about Making Choices and facing your Demons...

So what am i gonna do after i finish writing this??? I'm gonna start with the more lies...I'm gonna tell people my real age...

and embrace the fact that i actually don't look my age...

Heres to the Choices we make and for all the Demons we face everyday...

May we all have the Courage as the Griffindors and the Intellect of the Revenclaws to grow up a little everyday...

And to finally take Charge of our lives and do something good with it...

Because life sure is precious...

God Bless you all..


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