Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Integrating the Content Marketing and the Digital Marketing

Content Marketing

Marketers who are practicing Digital Marketing should have to highly consider about Content Marketing. Even though content marketing hundreds of years old, its importance remains consistently in most of the marketing campaigns. In this blog post basically I wanted to explain little bit about content marketing and how we can integrate content marketing with our digital Marketing campaigns.

What is Content Marketing..??

"Content marketing’s purpose is to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating relevant and valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior. It is an ongoing process that is best integrated into your overall marketing strategy, and it focuses on owning media, not renting it."
--Content Marketing Institute

Creating and sharing more valuable and relevant content is the easiest way to attract right customers and that helps to increase customer loyalty. Today's customers are looking for valuable information for there queries. If it's not there are moving out from our sight. In digital Marketing, marketers should highly concentrate about the content that they deliver to their customers. As a example If we own a web site that relating to a product we have to properly arrange our website content to match our customer preference. If it is cluttered with irrelevant advertisements,unwanted information customers will confused. That may lead to move away new customers and withdraw existing customers as well.   

Integrating Content Marketing and Digital Marketing

Content marketing and digital marketing
In present scenario, people are more rely on the internet. They surf internet for finding relevant information about any kind of product that they interested. Marketers are trying to take the customer attention through internet using various methods. In this attention grabbing competition, marketers should consider about the content that they going to penetrate to their customers.

As a example,  we as bloggers should highly focused on content of our blogs and blog posts. Creating good and relevant stuffs generate more traffic and followers to our blogs. When we take social media marketing its generate vast word of mouth exposure and we have to reach our target customers with proper information about the product. So the message will be informative and reliable about that certain product.Content Marketing more informative than promotional marketing. Content Marketing is using in digital marketing in various ways..
content marketing and social media
  • Blogging
  • Website
  • Email marketing
  • Photo and Video sharing(Youtube,channels,pinterest,etc.)
  • Social media(Google+,Facebook,twitter/posts and advertising,etc.)
  • PPC campaign

Most Digital marketers use content marketing for build brand awareness and loyalty. Good content brings more customers to their organizations. According to Content Marketing Cheat Sheet by Marketo, there are six rules for content marketing.We can apply these rules for Digital Marketing as well,
  1. It is not promotional
  2. It is relevant
  3. It closes a gap
  4. It is well written
  5. It is relevant to your company
  6. It gives proof 
You can visit Marketo web site for more information.

Our Business and profits highly depends on our customers. If we don't facilitate them with a better content, they won't stay with us longer. So, to be good Marketers in digital marketing we should apply content marketing theories in our digital marketing practices.Few times back I didn't much consider about the content marketing in my some works. But as future marketers in a digital market we should have a better knowledge about content marketing to succeed in this competitive environment.

Useful video: