Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Frances Harrison- War Profiteer ,selling miseries of Sri Lankans for own benefit

this is how Frances Harrison, a former BBC correspondent decided to sell her upcoming book ,a sexed up fiction on last days of the war against the LTTE terrorist in Sri Lanka,while tweeting about a 'leaked' internal UN report ,evaluating UN's response during the last days of the war.

btw this is link 4 book launch in next week

don't these people have some shame? can't they stop living off on selling and profiteering miseries of Sri Lankans and stop opening old wounds? 

these are the very people who don't want to see any form of reconciliation and closure in Sri Lanka.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Reconciliation" to the Govt of SL is to put enough soldiers in the North, and we won't have the same problem with the 'Tamil's' again. True reconciliation is similar to what SA did after Apartheid but thats not apparently needed according to the SL Govt. Their actions/inactions are storing up more conflict in the future.