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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Easy way to get days of current quarter in php

Pass the frequency and current date to get an array of dates.

the array you get will have the following dates

public function getDatesForYear($monthlyFequency,$date){

$dateParts = explode("-",$date);

 $firstDayOfTheYear = $dateParts[0] . '-01-01';

 $lastDayOfTheYear = $dateParts[0] . '-12-31';
 $i = $firstDayOfTheYear;

for(strtotime($i);strtotime($i)<=strtotime($lastDayOfTheYear);) {
 $accruDate[] = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($i . " +$monthlyFequency months  -1 day ")) ;
 $i =  date('Y-m-d',strtotime($i . " +$monthlyFequency months"));
 } return $accruDate;

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