Monday, June 13, 2011

AJAXify phpMyAdmin Interface - GSOC 2011 - Third week

After finishing my last week task which is ajaxifying the "Add a new User" in db->privileges, this week I started providing an ajax featured dialog to the table inserts in db->structure.
There were no previously done related works on that, so I had to start it form the beginning and there were no any codes which I could reuse in my implementation. I chose the db_structure.js file to handle the ajax behavior in this insertion.
  • Initially I added the ajax class for the insert link and then wrote the action for that insert link click in db_structure.js file. The action is $("td.insert_table a.ajax").live('click'). After click action it popups the "insert_table_dialog" dialog which carries the "insertForm"
Insert Table pop up dialog
  • Then I implemented the action which triggers when the "Go" button in "insertRowTable" is clicked. That is $("#insertForm .insertRowTable.ajax input[value=Go]").live('click') and it basically post the insert form to the db_structure.php and then after the record is successfully inserted it reloads the "tablesForm" in the db->structure with newly inserted values. I used "$().load()" function to load the tableForm with new values.
  • Then I implemented the click action of the "Go" button at the "action_panel" in the insertForm. That is "$("#buttonYes.ajax").live('click')". In that case I had to handle the different "submit_types" and "after_insert" types. When user select the "new_insert" in after_insert list the "Insert table" dialog should re popup. So I used "trigger('click')" function to trigger the insert click automatically.
Now the insert option in db->structure works fine with its ajax behavior but seems little bit slow due to high number of "get()" requests during the operations. I'll fix that issue in the next week.
Next week my major tasks will be implementing the Actions on multiple rows in table browse. It will basically contains two part which are "change" and "export".

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