100 words - Loneliness

How does it come? How does it go away?  There will be numerous answers but isn’t there an exact one? Some are lonely when they don’t have any one to love, some when they are depressed, and some who shows they are happy and glad from the outside; but deep inside, they miss something which they also don’t understand. It could be the stress that’s taken a toll on them. It could be a result of living alone, devoid of friends, family or missing your true love. Don’t be lonely be happy. It’s temporary; only you can make the change.


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  Lady divine

10:34 PM

sometimes it's easier said than done...

nice post.:)


7:29 PM

@Lady D: Yes I understand Lady D but sometimes, if you do make an effort, then you can get out of it. Just a Personal Opinion =)

Thanks for checking out the Post =)


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Building My Brand by Chamindra Hettitantirige is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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