Monday, January 17, 2011

a moment without control.

Those of you on a diet to stay slim, I think, can relate easily to feeling hollow inside. Its not that you are hungry per se. Your diet allows you various things. Oatmeal with non fat milk, for example. Or green tea. And leafy vegetables. Without oil. But lets face it, once you eat these things, which theoretically should hold some space in your stomach, and down them with about 2 large glasses of good old fashioned drinking water which should also fill your stomach, how do you feel? In a word “ hollow” am I correct?

Well, mutiply that feeling about a hundred and stay in that region for about a thousand years and then you know what a prit feels like.
They are called the hungry ghosts of eastern legend and they are drawn with huge pot bellies, and tiny reed like necks, with good reason. As punishment for various crimes of greed and jealousy , they committed, they live incarnations of thousands of years continuously hideously hungrily hollow. And I don’t know how I know this, for as far as I know I’m certainly not a prit.
Im a restless earthbound spirit of a more elite nature as befitting my human incarnation of princess; I certainly don’t have a huge pot belly on any visual dimension- on the contrary I look a bit like slightly more voluptuous darker Eastern Megan Fox with longer wilder thicker ringlet hair…just as I did when I was the Princess Sufra of legend.
But hollow I definitely had been for a long time, perhaps simply because it was thousands of years since I had actually eaten. Or been able to eat. Im sure you know the feeling, in a more low key way …

This may explain the embarrassing incident with the half a kilo of shrimp, and after it was all over I was actually sorry, because her throat was lacerated, and she was nauseated and since I was sitting near the nerve centres, I had to share some of that feeling. I resigned myself to more self control in future or at least to first ensure that what ever I made her eat didn’t have a calciferous exoskeleton…

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