Friday, November 20, 2009

Blood and Dust, 3: Omdulgence

Continued from here

Welikala stretched luxuriously. The langur had been and gone in the night and his room was spotless. The golden light was shining in and was forming a mottled pattern on the Persian rug. The Cori was steaming in a mug on the bedside table. He took a sip.

Immediately the world went white, the flash of brilliance took him by surprise; it had been a couple of days since he'd had this particular blend, the Molten Universes of Om opened up before him and he was confronted with his choices. He briefly considered his options; the Vertu Palace would be interesting if Padmini and the girls were there. Although Padmini was beginning to bore him now, she was a bit too slutty. The Blistkreig was always great when you had a surge of blood lust to expend, but he needed something a bit more relaxing this morning, but nothing too quiet. He opted for the Blooming Landscapes.

He concentrated on the Gate to bring it closer, his mind sharpened by the influence of the Cori. Subconsciously, he took another long draft of the stuff. He wanted this hit to be a long one. Long and satisfying. He sighed in contentment as the blubbery gate resisted and then gave way beneath his advancing mind.

Back in his room in the 'real world', it must be noted here that the definition between real and virtual had blurred to a great extent due to recent developments, Glimmerang crept out from underneath Welikala's bed silently. He stretched, cautiously. Bribing that langur had paid off. 'Bribing a langur!' he grinned ruefully, 'if anyone had told me i'd be bribing langurs three years ago i'd have told my mom they were crazy!' at this he turned nostalgic and his eyes watered despite himself. Memories of his mother always brought about this affect.

He shook himself and set his jaw. He was thirteen now. And the only person old enough or close enough to undo the torment and evil that Welikala had unleashed upon the world. He must not falter now. Somehow, by any means possible, he must figure out a way to kill Welikala and absorb his powers, and use them to undo the spell that world had been cast beneath.

He was aware that simply killing him might make matters worse for everyone concerned; he must figure out how to take his powers first. Coming to his room to do this while he was fired out was something he'd thought of instinctively; Glimmering was a simple boy. And he'd felt that deep down, he had to see his opponent's face before he could figure out what to do. He slowly approached Welikala's prone form.

Welikala, in the meanwhile, had become aware of a presense in his er, presence. He always took care not to lose contact with the world of his physical body completely when he was firing up anywhere except in his Safe House. He slowly removed himself from the rowan haired, violet eyed forest nymph he'd been occupied with and gently extricated himself from the Omverse back underneath his closed eyelids. He waited.

Glimmerang was now standing next to the bed. He looked down at his opponent. An opponent who didn't even know his name. Indeed, Welikala, as far as he was aware, didnt even know of Glimmerang's existence. This realization brought upon a strange feeling of power and detachment, and he began to smile. Suddenly his eyes bulged out of their sockets for a brief moment and he dropped backwards to the floor, dead.

Welikala grunted in disgust and put away the beamer back under the sheets. 'Amateurs' he mutterred, he took another sip of the Cori and made ready to take up from where he'd left off. He hadn't survived to the grand old age of sixteen just by playing with barbie dolls.