Thursday, December 17, 2009

Riding a Bicycle Downhill

The metal is on and we are ready for our journey through time. Women should keep shut when men talk. How fundamental is that truth? Or is that simply a mark of respect? Even men should keep quiet when men talk. Other men that is. One should not interrupt, one should allow people to dig themselves into holes. Or dig themselves out.

Black Sabbath wrote Iron Man not to talk about some Superhero. That was probably only a manifestation of an illusion born in Robert Downey Jrs leather stoned mind. Iron Man is a subtle song about a man about which the only iron part was his mind. He was sad and he had his regrets for the way he treated people. He chased them away and they ran away as fast as they could; and in those glorious moments of furious retribution against those who meant him no harm, indeed, they may even have only felt love for him, he lived.

When men talk sometimes solo's rip through the air. These solos will have to then be listened to. For they are the essense of the conversation, the zeniths of passion provoked by the subjects under discussion. A true solo will command respect. A true solo will demand to be heard. A good solo will rip like lightning over a storm covered open field, it will strike down upon the tree of intellect and ignite it. Setting it on fire.

Can you hear your babies crying now? We have burnt bridges to get here. They lie as fragments of wood over vast chasms that cannot be recrossed. Some things in life will have to be left behind. Some things in life will never be the same again. Those bits of yourself left behind across deep chasms will never be reached again. You are minus what you were. And plus what you discovered here.

You have steeled yourself. And in the process you have exposed new areas of which you are unaware of, ready to be pierced by the spears of inadvertant opponents. You are walking steeled, steeled against the enemity that your exposure invites. And you are fighting a compulsion to hide.

You are riding a bicycle downhill.


Anonymous said...

hehe i wouldn't call iron man a subtle song but bravo on the interpretation.

Dee said...

i think u thoroughly encompassed the feeling :D

Sabby said...

A post! On the lair!
The language is beautiful and the imagery even more so.
I was gonna tweet this: 'A true solo will command respect. A true solo will demand to be heard.' Lovely :)