How I Met Your Mother – Great Song in Great Scene

I’m a huge fan of the sitcom How I Met Your Mother. On one of my many repeat viewings I noticed this song that blended in perfectly with the scene in the episode and also sounded real nice. A bit of Googling lead me to ‘Careful’, sung by a relatively unknown and in my view underrated artist Michelle Featherstone.

It’s a soothing song that fits right into the ‘easy listening’ genre. This is one of those songs for which the most fitting description is simply – beautiful. I thought of sharing the song because though not many people would have heard it before, I believe there will be people who will appreciate it.

Here’s the vid.


To How I Met Your Mother Fans

Aside from the fact that the song itself is highly emotional, the mood and the lyrics seem to be tailor-made for the scene in the episode. Go check out for yourself and you will see that I’m right 🙂 The song is at the very end of Season 4 Episode 23 where a deflated and jaded Ted looks disconsolately on as Stella’s SUV pulls out of the parking space.


If you haven’t watched How I Met Your Mother (yet)

Now I’m no movie buff, and if there were an IQ test on movies and TV series I’d probably rank between ‘imbecile’ and ‘idiot’. My opinion on a flick rarely extends beyond something in the range of ‘eh, that one was OK’.

Which means you should take my raves on this one seriously. This sitcom is truly hilarious and got me of all people hooked. Thankfully a pal at uni (bless his soul 🙂 ) introduced me to the crazy world of Ted and Co, and I have loved every second of it. (with more coming on the 19th of this month. Yay!)

Seriously, if you haven’t watched it, and you don’t mind laughing your head off, you really should give it a shot. I promise you, it will be legen….. wait for it….. dary. LEGENDARY!

P.S – As an added bonus you’ll understand the inside joke I used at the end as well 🙂


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2 responses to “How I Met Your Mother – Great Song in Great Scene

  1. Hi,
    Our whole family just finished watching How I Met Your Mother on Star World. Barny is a favorite character of my son,too.
    You know these days my favorite is ‘Home Improvement’ which they show under Laughs fro the Past.
    henryblogwalker the Dude

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